Accessing our services

Here at Leadon Vale Vets, we are committed to providing the best quality healthcare for your pet. If you are not registered to our Pet Health for Life preventative healthcare plan, do check our website to find out how you can save money and relax, knowing your pet’s treatments are kept up to date. Have you tried…

Important Information


Over the last year, we have seen our costs increase significantly and we have absorbed the majority of these additional costs to try and support our customers during difficult times. However, with costs continuing to escalate, our prices need to increase to offset at least some of these higher costs. These changes will be implemented…

Alabama Rot Awareness

Alabama Rot, also known as Cutaneous and Renal Glomerular Vasculopathy (CRGV), is a rare but serious and potentially life-threatening disease that affects dogs. While it’s relatively rare, it’s crucial for dog owners to be aware of this condition, understand what it is, and learn how to protect their furry companions from it. In this blog,…

Are conkers poisonous to dogs?

Navigating autumn’s hidden hazards: Can dogs eat conkers? As the vibrant autumn leaves begin to fall, our canine companions eagerly join us in exploring the wonders of autumn. Amidst this picturesque backdrop, one common autumn sight is the iconic conker – the intriguing, shiny chestnut-like seed from horse chestnut trees. Conkers possess a charming allure…

7 Behaviours to Look Out for in a New Puppy

Bringing a new puppy into your home can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it’s important to be prepared for the behaviours that may come with it. Here are 7 behaviours to look out for in a new puppy, to get you better prepared for your new family addition… Chewing Puppies have a natural…