As the cold and flu season approaches, pet owners often wonder if their pets can catch these illnesses too. The answer is yes - pets can indeed catch colds and flu, though the viruses that affect them are typically different from those that infect humans.
General Pet Advice
At Leadon Vale Vets we are proud to offer comprehensive and cost-effective preventative healthcare plans to keep your pet as healthy as possible.
Have you been noticing an increased water intake by your dog or cat recently in Herefordshire? There might be instances where you find yourself refilling their water bowl more often than usual.
Finding a lump doesn't necessarily signify a severe health issue, and even if it turns out to be a type of cancer, there could be several treatment approaches available. Let's delve into how we can identify the nature of this lump and explore the potential treatment routes.
We all know it’s not healthy for our pets to be overweight and in extreme circumstances like these, it could be easy to fall into bad habits by giving your pet extra treats or naughty snacks. Advice on how to keep your pet at a healthy weight whilst in isolation.
As well as looking out for our own mental wellbeing, it’s also important to keep an eye on your pet’s behaviour and look out for signs of anxiety. Our guide to supporting your pet’s mental health may give you some ideas about how to keep them calm and happy.
During this period of uncertainty and with many of us self-isolating and in lock-down, some of our clients have been asking questions about COVID-19 in relation to their pet and also how to manage their mental and physical wellbeing. We have pulled together this guide which we hope you’ll find useful.
Leadon Vale Veterinary Centre strongly recommends to all pet owners to get pet insurance, as unexpected accidents and illnesses do happen to all pets throughout their lives and veterinary care can present an unplanned burden to your household finances.
Pets and fireworks don't go together, in general. Pet's reactions to fireworks can vary from hyperventilating, panic stricken urination and defecation in the house, to irrational behaviour and aggression.
Just like us humans, pets have their issues with various situations in everyday life which can result in problems with their behaviour. This can cause pet owners stress and prevent us from fully enjoying our pet companionship. These problems may include: difficulties with training, soiling indoors, phobias and aggression.
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