For your convenience, repeat prescriptions can be requested online. To order your pets repeat prescription complete the form below with your requirements and medication, and we will prepare your Pets prescription within 72 hours of ordering. If you have any questions or are not quite sure what you need to order, please speak to a member of our reception team, by calling them on 01531 632276, thank you.

A few details about yourself:
A few details about the medication your pet needs:
Would you like to add another pet to your account?
Form submission
* For us to be able to issue a repeat prescription, your pet(s) will have had to be seen at one of our branches in the past six months. This is both a legal and necessary requirement to ensure the drug is suitable for your pet.

Leadon Vale Veterinary Centre Ltd is part of Linnaeus Veterinary Limited. We will not share this information with other companies for their marketing purposes. For more details on how we use your information please see our privacy policy.

The personal data submitted via this form will be retained only for the purpose of responding to your question or concern, and will not be used for marketing purposes.

You must be 16 years old or older to submit a form.

Leadon Vale Veterinary Centre Ltd