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Vaccinating Your Kitten

Kitten Vaccinations - Two injections make up the kitten's initial vaccination regimen. In order to fully immunise kittens, a second injection of the vaccine is necessary because, similar to puppies, kittens will have some protection from their moms in their bloodstream.

When to Get Kitten Vaccinations

Cat flu, enteritis, and feline leukaemia immunisations for kittens are given starting at nine weeks of age. Three to four weeks later, a second immunisation is necessary. Then, we advise getting vaccinated annually.

Vaccination Protection from Disease

The following illnesses are protected against by administrating kitten vaccinations at Leadon Vale Veterinary:


Feline Chlamydophila

Feline Leukaemia Virus

Feline Enteritis

Cat Flu

At Leadon Vale Veterinary Centre, we are here to support both you and your kitten, so if you need to talk through any of the above kitten vaccinations, please don’t hesitate to get in touch HERE.


Kitten ready to be vaccinated at Leadon Vale Vet Centre

Why have your Kitten Vaccinated?

Vaccines help protect your kitten from various infectious diseases that can be serious or even life-threatening. Kittens are especially vulnerable to diseases because their immune systems are not fully developed. Vaccinations can help stimulate the kitten's immune system to build immunity against diseases such as feline herpesvirus, calicivirus, and panleukopenia.

Prevention is Better Than A Cure

Vaccinating your kitten not only protects them but also helps prevent the spread of diseases to other cats in the community. This is especially important for highly contagious diseases such as feline leukaemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus, which can be transmitted from cat to cat.

The cost of vaccinating your kitten is much lower than the cost of treating a serious illness caused by an infectious disease. By investing in preventive healthcare through vaccinations, you can potentially save money on veterinary bills in the long run, we also offer a pet health for life plan which is a much more cost-effective approach to your veterinary bills at Leadon Vale Veterinary Centre.

Check out Our Pet Health for Life Plans Here!


Requirement for travel

If you plan to travel with your kitten or board them at a facility, vaccinations may be required by law or by the facility. Having your kitten up-to-date on their vaccinations can help ensure a smooth travel or boarding experience.


Kitten being vaccinated at Leadon Vale Vets

FAQs For Kitten Vaccination

For some of the commonly asked questions about vaccinating kittens, click HERE


Where to Find Leadon Vale Veterinary Centre

Once you have registered your kitten at our practice, you are ready to book an appointment and get your kitten vaccinated. Find us below…



Get In Touch!

Call us on 01531 632276 or email us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Leadon Vale Veterinary Centre Ltd