Your rabbit can be protected from life-threatening diseases by receiving annual rabbit vaccinations. Leadon Vale provides preventative treatments to protect your rabbits against diseases that have no cure. This is the safest and healthiest way to ensure your rabbits' health and happiness.
A virus spread by blood-sucking insects such as fleas, mites or mosquitos.
Rabbit (Viral) Haemorrhagic Disease (R(V)HD)
Extremely serious causing high fever/internal bleeding/liver disease and is almost always fatal.
Rabbit (Viral) Haemorrhagic Disease 2 (R(V)HD2)
R(V)HD2 has a lower mortality rate than R(V)HD, but often the only signs seen can be sudden death. There is no specific treatment, and although some rabbits can recover from infection it is fatal in many cases. Vaccination is therefore essential.
Do house rabbits need to be vaccinated?
Rabbit vaccinations are essential to ensure your rabbit is adequately protected against devastating life-threatening diseases such as viral haemorrhagic disease (VHD 1 and 2) and myxomatosis. Whether your rabbit lives indoors or outside, vaccinations are essential as they could pick up a disease from other pets or people.
Are rabbit vaccinations required regularly?
To protect rabbits against potentially fatal diseases, we recommend rabbit vaccinations every 12 months. A booster vaccine increases protection against certain diseases.
Is it necessary to take rabbits to the vet?
To ensure your rabbit is kept happy and healthy, we recommend annual check-ups, as well as consults if you’re worried about your rabbit’s health. Rabbits are prone to infectious diseases and illnesses. Dental disease is a prime example, causing your pet a variety of problems.
How much are rabbit vaccinations?
To find out the exact cost of our rabbit vaccinations contact the practice directly on 01531 632 276 where one of our friendly team will happily help.