Managing Your Dog’s Chronic Pain

If your dog has osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, nerve conditions, skin conditions, inflammatory diseases or previous injuries that have led to chronic pain, then Leadon Vale can help. With tissue repair and regenerative. With regenerative treatments, we can promote faster healing and effective long-term results. Chronic pain management for dogs is significant as our pet’s happiness depends on their comfort and care.

With referral, your dog can be seen by a vet who will do an initial assessment of your dog’s condition or problem area of the body to determine the best route towards pain management.

Chronic Pain Management for Dogs: Therapy Options

At Leadon Vale Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine Centre, we deliver a range of pain management services that aim to ease your pet’s chronic discomfort and heal certain injuries or conditions. Our experts are dedicated to providing the best care for all our patients and sourcing the root cause for pain so that it can be managed effectively. Our regenerative medicine and therapies target areas of the body in ways medication may not work. Our services include:

Signs of Pain & Discomfort

Unless you’re already aware of your dog’s conditions that could be causing discomfort and chronic pain, then here are some symptoms that mean chronic pain management for dogs should be considered.

  • Some obvious signs could be limping or dragging their legs. If your dog has joint issues or an injury, then they may not want to bear weight on their limbs. They could be limping because of an issue with their paws too.
  • If your dog is licking, chewing, or guarding their paws or leg they may be in pain. If they’re whining or vocalising, then they may need immediate attention.
  • Lethargy or lack of appetite is another sign to look out for. They may be in too much discomfort to move too much if their joints are sore.
  • If your dog is panting more than usual or they’re restless then this could be a sign that they’re in pain.

Our treatments may require you to implement routines in your and your pet’s lifestyle for chronic pain management for dogs. Our treatments could consist of regular appointments or sessions depending on the condition but we aim to restore your pet’s quality of life by effectively managing their pain.

Our treatments help reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to areas that are inflamed, and in response, the body heals better. With laser therapy, the light stimulates cells to increase their metabolic rate so that the healing process speeds up. In many cases, our treatments bring physical relief to your dog, and they can sometimes even fall asleep due to the relaxing qualities of the treatments.

Contact Us

Speak to us today and book an appointment for chronic pain management for dogs. If you have a cat or other animal that you believe is living with chronic pain, then we’ll also see them.

Leadon Vale Veterinary Centre Ltd